Parade line-up will begin at 6 PM on Thursday, December 7th in the area of Parry McCluer Middle School.
The parade will begin at 7 PM, ending at 17th Street of Magnolia Avenue.

Thanks for your interest in participating in Buena Vista's Annual Christmas Parade! Please fill out the form below.
*ENTRY DEADLINE: Sunday, November 30th* 

The week of the parade, you'll receive a call or email  with your lineup number. 

Rules and Guidelines

  1. Visible material displayed on entries must be representative of a holiday theme.
  2. Music should represent the holiday or the theme of the entry.
  3. REMEMBER: All entries MUST make some effort to decorate to the theme of the 2021 Parade: A Family Christmas. This includes vehicle entries such as antique cars or trucks.
  4. For safety reasons, all instructions of both the parade marshals and the Buena Vista Police Department must be obeyed.
  5. Animals, marching bands, walkers, and performing groups may not be suitable this year but it is up to you as you see safe and comfortable. 
  6. Please be mindful of the pace of the parade and keep it going in a timely manner.
  7. Entries that do not comply with the above guidelines may be disqualified from the parade at the starting lineup..
  8. Stand and sit on elevated elements of your float at your own risk.
  9. Beginning at 6 PM, floats can come down Magnolia from the PMMS end by 23rd street then proceed downtown. 
  10. At the end of the parade, all entries must remove their vehicle from Main Street before dismantling vehicle decorations.
  11. We reserve the right to refuse any entry for any reason.

Questions? Call the park office: 540-261-7321. Thanks!