9/11 Memorial Event
Join us as we remember the heroes who lost their lives in the 9-11 attacks at a patriotic event and art installation.
The event will be held at Glen Maury Park adjacent to the Double Decker pavilion at 10:00 AM on Saturday, September 11th.
The program will include local veterans, politicians, and others sharing their perspectives on the 20th anniversary of the attacks, as well as patriotic music and a seven-gun military salute.
The event will be centered around the recreation of Mark Cline’s 2006 memorial sculpture of the Twin Towers from two metal storage containers, each 40 feet tall.
The event is outdoors, open to the public, and all are welcome. Attendees are asked to follow all current CDC guidelines. Attendees are encouraged to arrive early as seating is limited. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own chairs to guarantee seating. There will be guides present directing traffic, as well as golf cart shuttles from the parking areas to the event location.