
Real Estate:                        $1.27 per $100 of Value

Personal Property:          $5.85 per $100 of Value

Machinery and Tools:

  • Year 0-10                             $4.25 per $100  (taxed at 20% of purchase price for a nominal rate of $0.85)
  • Year 11-20                           $4.25 per $100  (taxed at 15% of purchase price for a nominal rate of $0.6375)
  • Year 21-30                           $4.25 per $100  (taxed at 10% of purchase price for a nominal rate of $0.425)

Water:                                  $8.58 per 1000 gallons

Sewer:                                  $8.54 per 1000 gallons

Meals & Lodging:             6% of sales

Dog Tags:

  • Neutered Males               $4.00 each
  • Neutered Females          $4.00 each
  • All other dogs                    $8.00 each
For additional information, contact the Commissioner of Revenue at (540) 261-8611