On Thursday, August 20th 2020, City Council approved the first allocation of funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act passed by Congress in March. This allocation totals $636,745.
The first allocation included funding for:
Business Recovery Grants – $50,000 The Buena Vista Economic Development Authority will administer grants using these funds to small businesses affected by the pandemic. The EDA will meet August 26th 2020 to discuss the process and establish and application. Updates will be posted at www.buenavistava.org
Rockbridge Community Foundation for Non-profits – $50,000 The Community Foundation for Rockbridge, Bath, and Alleghany will administer the distribution of grants to not for profit agencies adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. For the application and more information, visit https://cfrba.org/CARESapplication/. The application will close September 15th.
Schools – $50,000 BVCPS will use this funding to cover mobile hotspots, subscriptions for distance learning software, extended wi-fi access for students, and sanitization supplies.
Police Department – $28,530 Upgrade data terminals in vehicle fleet to allow staff to maintain further social distancing by utilizing the technological systems previously put in place. Staff will be able to use the vehicle as an office and not require them to enter the building to complete reports. Remotely accessing their Microsoft 365 email from the Toughbook will allow personnel to maintain critical communications while also maintaining a safe distance from each other.
Regional Jail – $27,265 This funding will cover our cost share for the following COVID-19 expenses: auto sanitize jail transport van, commercial grade sanitizing laundry units, and emergency housing to other facilities.
Fire Department – $23,000 Purchase of an automatic compression device that will allow for low contact CPR. This device will reduce physical contact to those being rescued and reduce the number of rescuers needed.
Rescue Squad – $23,000 Purchase of a sanitization apparatus for use in squad cars/ambulances. This device will make santizing all parts of the ambulances more thorough.
Salary Reimbursements for COVID-19 time – $384,950 Average of 10% of employees’ salaries for time dealing with COVID-19 related tasks in place of regular job related tasks.
Reserve for additional city use and allocations – $493,617 Additional allocations will be made for use of this remaining funding. A few items being considered include upgrades to HVAC in city buildings (City hall, library, police department) to add ionizing air sanitizers and upgrades to software to allow for online documenting and bill payment.
Additional announcements will be released as further decisions are made and more information is available.