City Council approved last week a new zoning fee schedule that streamlines and lowers fees for many permit types. Common permits such as new business zoning verification, new home construction, and commercial construction are now lower, making it even easier to start a business or build in Buena Vista. Find the Planning and Zoning Fee table below or by downloading the PDF here.
Most Common Permits
Action | Definition | Fee |
Zoning Verification | Permit certifying that a proposed use is permitted at a specified location | $10 |
Zoning Construction Permit | Permit certifying that proposed building construction complies with zoning regulations | $30 |
Sign Permit | Permit to erect or modify a sign, to include Certificate of Appropriateness if applicable | $30 |
Site Plan Review | Review by staff and/or Planning Commission of site plan for most non-residential and multifamily projects. Tiers based on the total project’s land disturbance. Tier 1 >1,000 square feet Tier 2 < 1,000 square feet | Tier 1 $300 Tier 2 $100 |
Conditional Use Permit | Application for a conditional use, to be approved by Planning Commission and City Council | $300 |
Certificate of Appropriateness | COA for most construction activity within the Seminary Hill Historic District. | $100 |
Rezoning Application | Zoning map amendment | $325+$25 per acre or portion thereof |
Subdivision Plat or PUD Plan of Development | $100 +$25/lot | |
Short Term Rental (STR) Registration | $30 |
Most Common Permits
Action | Definition | Fee |
Zoning Modification/Subdivision Exception | Issuance of a Modification of provisions of zoning regulations by ZA (in accordance with state law), or an exception to subdivision regulations, in accordance with law | $30 |
Variance Application | Application for Variance from zoning requirements, in accordance with state law | $300 |
Zoning Appeal | Appeal of determination of Zoning Administrator or Planning Commission | $300 |
Amendment to Proffers | Amendments to items proffered by developer at time of development approval | $300 |
Changes to Approved Site Plan/Resubmittal | Substantive changes to a site plan after it has been approved by staff and/or Planning Commission | $30 |
Vacation of Public Right of Way (Street/Alley) | Application for the City to vacate a portion of its right-of-way and sell to adjacent property owner. | $30 |
Approval of plat, boundary adjustment, or line vacation | Various functions of planner in approving plats and surveys. | $0/no fee |
Bond/Letter of Credit Release | $30 |
Maps & GIS Files
Action | Definition | Fee |
Printed Maps | Any color, up to 11” x 17”, fewer than 20 sheets per requestor per yea | $0/no fee |
Printed Maps | Any color, up to 11” x 17”, greater than 20 sheets per requestor per year | $0.50 per sheet |
Printed Comprehensive Plan | $20 | |
Digital GIS Shapefile – Existing layer/coverage | Existing layer or coverage that does not require edits or changes to features or attributes | $0/no fee |
Digital GIS Shapefile – Creation of new layer/coverage | Creation of new layer or coverage, or delivery that requires edits or changes to features or attributes of existing layer or coverage | $50/shapefile |