Public Meeting for Lower Scenic Maury River
A Community Meeting will be held Tuesday, September 7, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. at Oyler Pavilion, located near the entrant to Glen Maury Park off 10th Street in Buena Vista. The meeting will be held in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), to discuss the possibility of designating the remaining 23 miles of the Maury River from the Furrs Mill Road bridge at Beans Bottom to its confluence with the James River in Glasgow as a Virginia Scenic River.
The upper Maury River from its origin in Goshen Pass downstream to the Furrs Mill Road bridge was designated as a Virginia Scenic River in 2020. DCR staff will provide an overview of the Virginia Scenic River program and answer questions from the public.
More information on scenic river designations may be found at www.dcr.virginia.gov/recreational-planning/srmain and at the County Office of Community Development, 150 S. Main Street, Lexington, Virginia, or at (540) 464-9662.
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